We shouldn’t just be pulling people out of the river.
We should be going upstream to find out who’s pushing them in. 

What is Staap? Staap is an acronym for: Stop the Abuse and Pain. 

The objective is to reduce and stop the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of members of high-control groups, or groups of undue influence, especially against child members.

The original focus is the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, who operate a variety of corporations in Canada, and are commonly known by the public as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The website documenting the legal principles, case-law (precedents), and policies of the religion is: stoptheabuseandpain.ca

Is this not an attempt to intrude upon “freedom of religion?”

“Freedom of religion” is primarily a concept based upon the philosophy of many persons that live in the United States. Religions based in the United States, including the Watch Tower Society, have successfully exploited the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to advance the “rights” of the corporate religion, even if this harms individuals.

Such religions attempt to gain their share of the global religious pie, and also attempt to have other countries adopt this generally hands-off viewpoint, even when there are evident harms to individuals.

Will this initiative make any difference in Canada?

Definitely. Not only in Canada, but also in most democratic countries, particularly commonwealth countries.

Why? The Watch Tower Society has been successful in flying under the radar of the authorities. And when in court, the Watch Tower Society uses a policy called Theocratic Warfare. 

This initiative will address the reality of the harms of the religion. These harms, together with Canadian law and international human rights, will be packaged in a presentation to the Canadian authorities.