Questions and feedback are welcome.

Can I make an anonymous statement? 

At this earlier stage, no. To have validity for the authorities, they may want to contact the person making the statement.

However, in both the Australian Royal Commission and in the Polygamy Reference Trial (Canada), the governments arranged for impacted persons to be able to submit their stories in a manner that protected their privacy. It is anticipated that a similar arrangement can be made with the Canadian authorities.

I am not a Canadian citizen. Will my statement have any value?

Very much so. The Watch Tower Society is an American religion that operates globally. The harms of the religion impact its members no matter which country. In fact, statements from different nationals adds to the fact that this is a global problem.

The findings that will be made by the Canadian authorities will have legal and human-rights weight in other democratic countries.

Will my story be displayed publicly?

With the person’s consent, we would like to post a number of stories. However, the person’s name, contact info, or anything else that the person wishes, will be removed before posting.